Divine Destiny “The legend of a father, a daughter and the holy bond” ebook by Mohssen Arishie

eBook- Divine Destiny epic novel on Sheikh Hasina by Egyptian writer Mohssen Arishie. 

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Egyptian writer’s Divine Destiny:“The legend of a father, a daughter and the holy bond”.An Epic Novel on Sheikh Hasina by Mohssen Arishie. 

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About Author 

“The legend of a father, a daughter and the holy bond”.

A great novel based on Bangladesh, Bangabandhu and Sheikh Hasina, has a very epic flavor in the style of narration and an ancient flavor of reading, combined with biographical feelings and a philosophical understanding.

Lots of stalwart and historical words, selected from the seventeen century, have been carved in the line of this historical novel.

only two characters have been staged with a different telling which will be emotionally bound to human kind.

This emotional novel is written by Mohssen Arishie, a renowned Egyptian writer whose brilliantly emotional, exquisitely structured biographical fiction, mingled with mythology, marks the transition in Bengali history since1920 to the present century glorification. He is greatly interested in the history of great leaders who led their bleeding nations to celebrate a better tomorrow.   

Mohssen Arishie

Mohssen Arishie was born on 17 March 1955 in Giza. He graduated in law from Cairo University. Later, he pursued post-graduate studies in Muslim Shari’ah and a post-graduate diploma from the International Institute for Mass Communication, New Delhi, India.

In professional life

In professional life, Mohssen Arishie is a seasoned journalist, he is working as a Managing-Editor of the Egyptian-Gazette, the oldest English-speaking daily in the Middle East, writing a weekly column in the Egyptian Gazette for more than 2 decades, and has been the Editor and translator of art publications issued by the Egyptian Ministry of Culture for twenty years too.

He worked at HarperCollins, a publishing house in the United States for consecutive two years, had been the former Board Chairman and the Editor-in-Chief of Al-Khalifa, a provincial newspaper in Egypt, and the Managing Editor of Tourism 2000 magazine published in Bahrain.

He won the prize of the Egyptian Press Syndicate in 2006 for the best article and political analysis interested in the US invasion of Iraq. e.g

Previously, he published

Previously, he published his first book in Arabic on the history of Bangladesh-

“Haqa’iq & Assatir”, which has a translated copy in Bengali “SHEIK HASINA: JE RUPKATHA SHUDHU RUPKATHA NOY” [Sheikh Hasina: Facts And Mythologies].

Currently, he is preparing two novels in Arabic and English for publication.

eBook- Divine Destiny epic novel on sheikh Hasina
eBook epic novel on Sheikh Hasina by Egyptian writer Mohssen Arishie

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eBook- Divine Destiny epic novel on sheikh Hasina
eBook- Divine Destiny: “The legend of a father, a daughter and the holy bond”


eBook- Divine Destiny epic novel on sheikh Hasina

1 firstly 

‘Divine Destiny “The legend of a father, a daughter and the holy bond”
has a very epic flavor in the Novel, an ancient style of reading, combined with archeological feelings and a philosophical understanding.

Profound gem words have been carved in line (archeology means history). And marks the transition in Bengali history since1920 to the present century glorification.

I’m not just interested in calling it a novel because the essence of life has been poured into it, giving some examples will make it clear e.g.

“The poor have no authority to claim help”

and at the end of the novel again said,

“The poor were told that Allah created them poor for a divine wisdom they had to appreciate. and they would commit a great sin if they protested their lot in life.”

In another line, it’s said when Bangabandhu was in prison, the character in the novel, Hasina’s mother provided him with different types of books, and after explaining the situation, the author gives us a pure sense of humor like,

“Nonetheless, books were more preferable to the prisoner than home-cooked meals.”

The two inner relationships between father and daughter and how impact it had on his daughter’s growing, these lines are giving us a sense, and Bangabandhu’s every line for life was a mentor for his daughter Hasina. In the novel one day she failed to sleep in chaotic turbulence then Hasina remembered Bangabandhu’s saying-

“She remembered him saying: Tyrants and dictators are fragile and vulnerable. Fear would creep up on them unnoticed if the victim keeps staring at them defiantly.”

As we read another line like this we see,

“Bangabandhu once told his wife and their daughter upon returning home from prison: ‘The louder the cries of pains, the bigger and the stronger the will and stamina freedom fighters have,”

In other lines we see,

“The daughter once listened to him saying that shackles, which bruise and hurt the feet and the hands, do not mean anything to prisoners of conscience.
―The good thing is that the longer the time these shackles are placed around the feet and the hands, the faster they erode and break.”

When Sheikh Hasina was troubled, she always echoed her father’s voice-

“The honest leader is the one, who has the ability to rekindle the hope flickering deep in the bosom of the desperate people.”

Not any two-country or two provinces, the novelist used the word ‘village’ and cautiously named the two villages, one is Urdu and another is Bengali and depicted a significant gap or distance from one another in its name easily, and Bangabandhu took the Bengali village as his own family.

The telling style 

The telling has a different style- at the beginning of the tale, the name Hasina arrived but in the long narration the name is absent but the very close to the few chapters of other related topics, the name has again arrived with the full of consistency.

  • Here Hasina is the philosophical component who resolved many of the labyrinths in the telling of the time, it is full of literary twists.

In some places its an essayic style, in some of its conversation, in some places it is philosophical prosaic. After telling a few lines in a telling, the novelist finally in his last line, says his objectives very splendidly.

It is said at one place in the novel,

“Until that moment, Hasina did not know those, who have equal share in her father’s heart were no other than neighbours nearby and families in remote areas in the village. When she grew up, these shareholders became her chief responsibility.”

Here is another line from another page, it was time in 1965-1966, in Bengali history Fatima Jinna’s election, the war of 65, 6 Points demand, and Bangabandhu was arrested again and again-

“Bangabandhu stood handcuffed before an interrogating team to hear charges accusing him of violating the Muslim Sharia by attempting to support a woman politician and destabilise the United Muslim State. He silently listened to his interrogators. Their voices sound like a hissing of a venomous ready to bite. Their extra accusations were that Bangabandhu was planning a coup to overthrow the Ruler.
Bangabandhu let a meaningful smile. He compared himself to a poor man accused by the traffic police of violating the traffic law even though he neither had a car nor dreamt of having one. If the violator of traffic signs attempted to defend himself, the magistrate would snub him and make him feel an idiot for challenging his integrity and credibility.”

Phrase Above all

‘mea culpa’ – a Latin phrase, Egyptian mythology and etc. touched its ground literature, and at the ending it was like saying the morale-

“Hasina was confident that her father‘s soul was her guardian and light. She had the feeling that her father‘s soul had been liberated from the shell of his body in his grave to settle inside her and start a new life. She had the conviction that her father‘s soul, which had awarded him immortality for his principles and ideas, and his unwavering determination to rescue his people taken hostage, had become hers. His unbreakable will and resole were hers, too.”

Mohssen Arishie, A renowned Egyptian writer whose brilliantly emotional, exquisitely structured biographical fiction, mingled with mythology. While Mr. Mohssen Arishie was writing this epic novel, understanding is that his emotion was translated into mythological responses like a ruby to the sunlit.

Comments In conclusion

“The honest leader is the one, who has the ability to rekindle the hope flickering deep in the bosom of the desperate people.”

“Until that moment, Hasina did not know those, who have equal share in her father’s heart were no other than neighbours nearby and families in remote areas in the village. When she grew up, these shareholders became her chief responsibility.”

Review by

Abdullah Al Hadi
Poet and Literateur,
President- 31st BCS Cadre Association.

Review 2 secondly 

eBook- Divine Destiny: “The legend of a father, a daughter and the holy bond” – Mohssen Arishie

Divine Destiny “The legend of a father, a daughter and the holy bond”

Divine Destiny “The legend of a father, a daughter and the holy bond” ebook by Mohssen Arishie
eBook epic novel on Sheikh Hasina by Egyptian writer Mohssen Arishie

Review 3 thirdly 

শেখ হাসিনা: দ্য লিজেন্ড অব আ ফাদার – আব্দুল্লাহ আল হাদী


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